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Sunday, April 22, 2012

Deadlines. Deadlines. Deadlines!

I'm officially starting my first blog as I embark into my journey of studying abroad in Florence, Italy! I wanted to keep an easy way for my family and friends to keep track of me and my travels while I'm abroad, and I figured that this would be the best way :) Anyways, my lovely friend Evalyn and I are just four months away from starting our year abroad, and couldn't be more excited! However, this comes with so much work to do in order to make it happen. Our first deadline is coming up on May 1 for all the paperwork, and I just want it to  be over with already. Sooo many things to get done and to worry about, ESPECIALLY financial plans. I can't even believe the amount of money they fork out of you to study abroad. I'm crossing my fingers to get my loan worked out and to get a good scholarship! It seems a bit overwhelming at times but I know that I am motivated to do whatever it takes to get myself to what I've been working towards, and my parents certainly have my back in it as well! With this, I'm reminding myself that it will all work out, as it always does. After the paperwork is in, a huge weight will be taken off of my shoulders...but there is still so much more to go....

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