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Sunday, April 29, 2012

Four Months!

It's exactly four months today until my program start date in Florence. Time is flying by faster than I thought! Literally just two weeks left on instruction, three days of finals, and I'm done with this semester. I finally got to mail the paperwork, which was a HUGE lift off of my shoulders. Now that I've secured my spot, I 'just have to move onto the next preparation! There is still so much more to do, but it's slowly falling into place.These days are really difficult at the moment, however I know that it will all work out the way it's supposed to. The one thing that can get through the impossible is the power of love. I just have to keep my head held high and remember the paradise I'll be in in exactly FOUR months from today :)

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Note to Self

I need to remind myself to take a breath sometimes and remember that it's all going to work out as it needs to! Today is definitely a lesson learned. I have my physical for studying abroad this afternoon and I need my immunization records, which I have trying to find for the past week. I found out that my previous doctor had moved towns and didn't bring any of his previous records, so then I called where he used to work only to find out it wasn't there anymore and that my documents were more than likely disposed of! This made me freak out, and I didn't know what I was going to do in order to prove I have all the shots that I need to leave the country. I gave one last call to my high school to check if they still kept the alumni records but didn't get ahold on anybody, so I just about gave up and was going to hope for the best. Well, when I woke up this morning I had a message on my phone from my high school that she indeed had my records and faxed them over to me! Last minute, everything fell into place. It's just proof to myself that sometimes I let my anxiety get the best of me, when I really need to just relax and remember that there has never been a time when I haven't accomplished what I wanted, and that it will all fall into place as needed. Today is going to be a good day :)

Monday, April 23, 2012

So close, yet so far....

So it's been exactly 20 days since I left Italy and my love. For some reason, it already feels like it's been a lifetime and even though time is passing so quickly, it feels like forever until I'll see him again! This could be a really long break for us, however I know that the next time I do get to see him, there will be NO goodbyes for over a year. We will finally get to live like we are in a normal relationship (although we are going to be traveling Europe together :) ) and gosh dammit we DESERVE it! We have come so far for this and have worked both our asses off together and apart to make this all work the way that we desired, and we have gotten through the thick and the thin together. As these next months pass, I just have to keep reminding myself that I will get to that point...and once I hug him at the airport knowing that I won't have to worry about time will make it all so completely worth it ;)

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Deadlines. Deadlines. Deadlines!

I'm officially starting my first blog as I embark into my journey of studying abroad in Florence, Italy! I wanted to keep an easy way for my family and friends to keep track of me and my travels while I'm abroad, and I figured that this would be the best way :) Anyways, my lovely friend Evalyn and I are just four months away from starting our year abroad, and couldn't be more excited! However, this comes with so much work to do in order to make it happen. Our first deadline is coming up on May 1 for all the paperwork, and I just want it to  be over with already. Sooo many things to get done and to worry about, ESPECIALLY financial plans. I can't even believe the amount of money they fork out of you to study abroad. I'm crossing my fingers to get my loan worked out and to get a good scholarship! It seems a bit overwhelming at times but I know that I am motivated to do whatever it takes to get myself to what I've been working towards, and my parents certainly have my back in it as well! With this, I'm reminding myself that it will all work out, as it always does. After the paperwork is in, a huge weight will be taken off of my shoulders...but there is still so much more to go....