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Tuesday, November 20, 2012

I AMsterdam: A Love Story

Over Halloween, we took a lovely trip to Amsterdam. What can I say? I fell absolutely in love with the place. Normally when people think Amsterdam, they imagine weed, sex, drugs, prostitutes, and more weed. I'm here to tell you that this city has far more beautiful attributes to it that make it an extremely special place! I honestly didn't expect it to be so incredibly beautiful. I instantly fell in love with the canals and the architecture that gave the town such a pleasant and unique feeling. The language is absolutely insane...literally like nothing I'd ever heard before! When you hear it, it's like they are just making a bunch of noises. However when I would read it, some of it resembles English in many ways. Many say that it's like a mixture of German and English...which just makes it that much more complicated. Everybody there speaks English as well though, since their TV is all in English with Dutch subtitles, so they are forced to learn it. It's quite the advantage for us tourists! Getting lost in this city was too much fun; we just kept finding new parts to it that were equally or more beautiful than the part before. Through visiting two Art Museums, the Heineken Factory, the I Amsterdam sign, authentic Dutch restaurants, going on the Canal Cruise, and just walking through all the different parts of the city, I felt like we got a really great feeling of the city and all its charming qualities. The entire time, I was just so happy and in awe of everything that I was seeing. 

Now, if you are curious about all that other stuff that Amsterdam is known was definitely an experience! For those who go looking to smoke, all you have to do is find a "Coffee Shop." This definitely isn't hard at all, because in the main district as well as throughout the entire city, there are numerous ones on every block. You go inside, and quickly discover it's not your usual coffee shop. Everybody is sitting around and smoking, talking, drinking..etc. You go to the back, order whatever type you would like, get it by the gram or by the joint, with our without tobacco...the options are endless. Then, it's as simple as sitting down and lighting up. Also, if you don't want to stay inside you can go outside and smoke on the street, walking around, wherever...yes that's right, it's legal as well. Apparently you can walk up to a cop and blow it in his face for the fun of it, and he can't do anything about it. Freaking crazy, right?! For those who are out there looking for prostitutes, or solely something to look at...there is the Red Light District. This is literally numerous streets with windows that are traced with red lights. Think of it as window shopping for clothes, but replace the clothes with women. Inside, there are women that are barley dressed, who have a bedroom behind them, and they and standing there selling themselves, calling to you, doing whatever they can to lure you in. Once they get a customer, they close the red curtains. It's pretty awkward at first walking up the streets, looking at live manikins...something that you've literally never seen before. These aspects definitely will give you some degree of culture shock, because it really is so surreal...especially how normal it is over there, and just not really a big deal at all. An experience, to say the least! 

Massi and I were lucky to have found a Dutch host through Couch Surfing that let us stay at his apartment for three nights. He was extremely hospitable and told us exactly what we needed to know about the city to get the most out of the three days, and he also gave us discounts since he worked for a tourist company. Thanks to him, we got to taste authentic Dutch food (which is incredibly simple but amazing) and also got to see the city through the eyes of a local, and hear the history that you wouldn't typically hear through any regular tour guide. We really were so lucky and definitely had the time of our lives. I really can't wait to go back!

Cheapest airline long as you follow all their little secretive fine print.

Bus ride from Eindhoven to Amsterdam!

Our first night in the city. I'm not going to hide any aspect of the trip, because I'm not ashamed whatsoever ...we wanted to be a part of the Dutch culture, and we most definitely were! Here is us with our first legal joint. Emphasis on the word LEGAL. 

Let's just say, that first night was definitely one of the craziest and funniest nights of our lives. 

Always laughing with my best friend :)

Our first day there! Touring the city and sight seeing :)

Dam Square, one of the most famous and largest in the city.

An old church turned into an Andy Warhol museum..contained some of his work as well as a movie on his life...interesting to say the least!

We have no idea why, but despite the fact that it was 0 to negative degrees celsius, throughout the entire trip all we craved was a McDonald's Milkshake. We got three, and froze our butts off...but were damn satisfied to say the least :)

I saw a picture very similar to this on Google and swore that I would go here during my year abroad...I finally got to take my own picture of the very same buildings :)

Authentic Holland Shoes! Although they seemed rather uncomfortable to me...haha

One of the beautiful canals

Waiting for the night bus to take us home...freezing our asses off was an understatement.

Authentic Absinthe! They pour in the shot, then light sugar on fire in a spoon, and once it's melted they pour it in and mix it up so the Absinthe taste is mellowed down a bit. Black Liquorice flavor, just in case you were wondering!

Our second day, which we started off with a Canal Cruise :) As you'll see below, I just love the Dutch architecture.

Anne Frank's house! Didn't get to go inside, but at least I caught a glimpse :)

An authentic Dutch Croquette roll! It was basically like a mozzarella stick, but instead of the cheese it was meat and gravy...that's the best way that I can explain it. Needless to say it was bomb!

Massi enjoyed it a little too much ;)

This is how we knew we were in a local spot- everybody in there was only speaking Dutch, and the menu didn't have a pinch of English on it!

Tromping through the city :)

One of my favorite parts of town...all we had to do was get lost and we found the best parts :)

On our way to the Heineken Experience!

Heineken's Factory...we did the whole tour and saw everything from the history, to their accomplishments, their progression, to the way to beer was made, and finally got to experience what it was like to "be the beer." That was basically a 4D virtual experience on what it was like to get brewed...twas interesting!

True Dutch people :)

The four main ingredients

Where it gets mixed altogether and brewed!

The base of beer...water and barley, heated and filtered. Tried it, and decided that the end result is MUCH better. Haha

Massi helping the brewers by grinding the seeds!

The best part...our free beers :)

My boy is hard. freaking. core.

And last...the bottle filling!

Such a beautiful part of the city!

The famous sign of Amsterdam! We didn't expect it to be so there are many photo bombs. Oh well, you get the idea.

Our attempt to get us both in it....

M for Massi, M for the love of my life :)

All I have to say was in the air :)

The bridges over the canals were my favorite.

The classy side to Amsterdam.

Our last night in the city, when our Dutch host Robin took us around the city and showed it to us through his eyes. It definitely was a night to remember! 

All of us together :)

Our typical Dutch meal...literally just mashed potatoes, kale, gravy, and sausage. But it was sooo tasty.

The crooked houses are to the right :)

Had to have my touristy moment :)

Last but not least, I took this picture for one of the biggest loves of my life. My cat, Smokey. This Coffee Shop is dedicated to you my furry best friend :)

Well, there is our wonderful trip summed up. Amsterdam will be a place that I will always remember, and a place that I will always want to return to. Although there are parts of it that are like nothing you have ever seen or experienced before, it's very easily one of the most beautiful and unique places that I have ever visited..and will forever have a part of my heart :)

                              Tot ziens, Amsterdam!

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