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Monday, August 27, 2012

Our trip to Cortina and Lago di Misurina!

Soo yesterday we took a day trip to these beautiful little towns in the mountains called Cortina and Lago di Misurina. Before we went, my Mom had informed me that Cortina is one of my Grandpa's favorite towns in Italy and he and my grandma would go often, where she would buy her famous fur coats. I could understand why they loved this place so much, it was simply beautiful! Apparently the people who live there are generally very wealthy, and it's a very common vacationing place for celebrities. Huge green mountains are surrounding the town, where you can take ski lifts and gondolas up to look over the whole valley. Since the mountains are much cooler, it was amazing to escape from the deathly heat and humidity for a even began to rain there later in the day. After Cortina, we took a trip farther up into the mountains to another little town, Lago di Misurina. There was a lake surrounded by the mountains and the very small community, it was truly breathtaking. Everything was so green surrounding, and the mountains all around us really gave the illusion of being so far from regular society. We took a trip up in the ski lifts to the top of the mountain, where we got to see the whole was amazing! Despite the cloudy sky, the view was so a picture. I had such an amazing time and could not stop taking pictures of everything...from basically every angle possible. Well here are just a couple pictures of our trip, and two videos that I took at Lago di Misurina :)

Friday, August 24, 2012


                                     FINALLY I AM HERE! 

It was a terribly long journey, however I finally arrived in Italy two days ago, on Wednesday at 5:35 pm. Everything was such a whirlwind leading up to my departure, and at times I felt like I was never going to be completely packed! My last few days in America were awesome, since I got to see all of my friends before I left. On my last night, they all came over and we drank wine to celebrate, however I procrastinated far too much with my packing and didn't get to sleep until almost four in the morning! I had to weigh both of my bags, and I discovered that they were far unfortunately I had to take out about twenty pounds worth of clothes. Hardest. Thing. Of. My. Life. Who knew that separating from clothes could be so hard?! Maybe if it wasn't so freaking cold here in the winter, I wouldn't have had to pack such heavy clothes! Anyway, I'm still content with the amount that I got to squish into everything, although even the ticket agent at the airport commented that my bag wasn't a carry on, but an elephant. I only got three hours of sleep the night before I left, and woke up extremely early to finalize everything and we were out of the door by nine thirty. My Mom, Dad, and sister drove me to LAX airport. My flight was originally at 2:55 pm, however I fly standby so it's never for certain that I will get on. The night before, the flight looked great and they said it had plenty of room. When I arrived at the airport, they told me that it was now oversold because of some rerouting of passengers. By this time I was already anxious and freaking out, hoping that my huge bag would be accepted, but this just made me feel like I wanted to puke! Luckily, they added another flight to Frankfurt at 7 pm so there was always another chance. I said goodbye to my family, which was actually a lot harder than I thought. I was truly so excited, however I knew that I was going to miss them so much. Once I left them, I got to talk with some italians that were in front of me in security, which made me feel much happier. They were a bit surprised that a Californian was speaking their language :) Well, I got to the gate and it was absolutely packed, the ticket agents wouldn't even look up at me since I was a standby and overall it just didn't look good. The whole time I was nervous and freaking out, and I ended up not getting on that one because there wasn't a single seat leftover. The lady told  me to go and check back in a roll over to the next one leaving at seven. After an emotional goodbye, I had to reunite with my family again to go and check in for the next one and spend another four hours with them waiting for my next flight. All I wanted to do was sleep! It was nice getting to spend some extra time with them, but when the time came I was certainly ready to try again for the next flight. After so much anxiety and sitting at the gate, I finally got a ticket and got on the plane to Frankfurt. The flight was a little over 10 hours, and I found it so incredibly hard to sleep. This time, I was so uncomfortable and it was an older plane so there weren't the TV's on every chair, but just in the aisle. We watched Mirror Mirror, some weird ass movie where a bunch of old people go to India, and by that time I decided to zone out and sleep and read my book. We finally got into Frankfurt, where I only had an hour and a half layover before my next flight. This may seem like a long time, however if you've ever been to would understand that it's nothing. Talk about the hugest airport ever, where you have to walk about five miles to get anywhere! I was doing really well speeding through, but there was a part of the airport that was taped off with police, and they forced us to wait until I discovered that there was another way to get to my gate. After practically running there, I finally made it to the desk and checked in, and the agent told me that I would make it on the plane to Venice just fine. I was extremely relieved and excited, however I was sweating profusely. I made my way over to the payphone and called Massimo, and told him that I would be seeing him in just under two hours. Always the most exciting phone call :) The flight to Venice was only one hour, and although I was exhausted, I was practically beaming with joy because I knew who would be standing there waiting for me once I got there. We finally landed, and I cried with joy since I knew that I wouldn't be reuniting with this airport for an entire year! I retrieved my bags and started walking towards those huge metal doors. I was the only one to walk out, and all I could see where a huge crowd of people waiting behind the lines to meet with their loved ones. I looked to my right, and there he was with that huge smile on his face that I absolutely adore. I hurried over to meet him and jumped into his arms, getting to feel his touch and his kiss after almost five long months of not being together. He had brought me beautiful roses, with a big bow with American colors :) The feeling I got was just indescribable, all I could say was I finally felt complete in his arms, they just feel like home to me. Of course we stood there for a while hugging and kissing and laughing with joy, but we finally managed to take a picture together and get into the car to drive home. When I arrived at his house, his parents were there waiting for me and we talked about my journey and all that is ahead. I took a shower and came down for my first dinner of the year in Italy. Naturally, after dinner I crashed out on the couch since I had only had about eight hours of sleep in three days! Needless to say, it was a great first night here. These past two and a half days I haven't really left the house, between the heat and my jet lag, I'm absolutely destroyed. It's been nice to rest up, especially with my love here with me! I can't wait to finally feel energized again :) One thing I missed so much was the food, I can say that I'm extremely happy that I will get to be shopping and eating here for the year...I'm a lucky girl! We exchanged birthday gifts last night...I am taking Massimo to his favorite soccer team's (Juventus) museum, and he is taking me to Rome! I'm so stoked for the adventures that lie ahead. For now, I am completely content with resting up as much as I can, because come next week..I will be in Florence, beginning a new journey! Well that's what's going on up to now, once things get more exciting I'll be sure to keep you all updated. I'll leave you with a picture of the beautiful roses Massi gave to me :)

Ciao for now!!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


It's officially one week from today until I move to Italy!!!! I can't even believe how fast this summer has flown by, and there is still so much to do. It still seems so surreal to me that the time is finally here, and I don't know when it will exactly hit me. When I first get there, it will feel so weird knowing when I hug Massimo that we don't just have a short three week time period together, but a whole year to enjoy each other! Well I have my Visa, I have figured out my banking, what I'm going to do with my cell phone, and all the little things that I need to do. I'm still in the process of finding my apartment, which is a huge burden on my shoulders, but I know that it will work out! I'm so lucky to have a cousin there who is willing to go and see the rooms for me, it helps me feel much more comfortable and I'm very grateful :) After this Thursday, I might have made a decision for a room, and I'm crossing my fingers on this room in the city center that's just feet away from my school...we shall see :) And I'm about to embark on the packing adventure, it will be a nightmare trying to get everything I want in my bags...but gosh dangit I'll make it happen! I feel like every time I have gone for a few weeks I have packed enough to live there for the year...boy it's gonna get ugly. Luckily, I have made some friends in Florence already, whom I'm so excited to meet and hang out with! What's the craziest thing of all to me is the fact that I'm going to be back in my best friends arms in a week from now. I can't even explain the happiness I have, and I can't wait to be reunited at the airport and back to where I feel complete. We will be celebrating our birthdays during that first week and figuring out my last minute things that I need to take care of, and then he will go with me to Florence and get me situated in my new apartment :) These next couple weeks will be the best of my life, and I really just have to take it in while I can! Italy....Baby......I will see you SO soon! Ci vediamo così presto! Non vedo l'oraaaaaaaaa :D