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Friday, June 29, 2012


                                   Ci Vediamo Presto Amore Mio!

It's officially two months today until the program in Florence starts...which means it's just a little over a month and a half before I head to Italy! It's literally all I have been thinking about. I'll be heading to Italy around the 20th, to stay with Massimo and his family as always. On the 28th, Evalyn should be arriving in Venice and Massi and I will pick her up from the airport and welcome her to the country! Then the next day, we will all take the train to Florence together and start this awesome journey :) I can't even begin to imagine how amazing it's going to feel when Massi embraces me for the first time, and I know that we will not have to worry about any countdowns until I have to leave for a year. Saying I will feel at home and complete will be an understatement. All I know for sure is that it will all be so surreal, and nobody will be able to bring me down! Time actually seems to be flying this summer; I can't believe it's already been over a month since I've been home and over two weeks since I had my Visa appointment. I  must say, I'm totally okay with that :) It's already almost July, and I know after that time will begin to really fly! It's been so exciting getting to plan everything for the first couple of days, and figure out where I'm going to be living. I can't wait to live with Italians and get completely immersed in the culture! My main challenge that I have been thinking about these days is how I'm actually going to pack for an entire year...since I have always packed for months when I go for just weeks.That will most definitely be my biggest challenge, but I'll somehow figure it out! After five trips, I've become quite skilled at smashing everything I want in my luggage, even if it means carrying a backpack half my size. I just truly am counting the days, and we are down to almost 50! When Massimo and I are down to just 50 days before we see each other, time always flies. And with this next month, having my friends come visit and taking trips to Disneyland and such, I'll be posting my one month before I know it :)

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