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Tuesday, May 29, 2012


This city. This Boy. This will be my life.

I am in disbelief that time is flying so fast. Knowing that my program is literally three months from beginning and that I will be leaving a couple weeks before that makes me far too excited. Now that I'm home for the summer, all I can do is plan! My Visa appointment is coming up on June 15th, which is probably just about the most stressful thing any human studying abroad could possibly have to go through. After that is complete I will be home free :) The only other thing is I have to save like CRAZY, which is hard for me to do...especially over the summer when all you want to do is buy new things and go just about everywhere. But I know that I'll make it work :) I don't think I've ever been this happy in my entire life, and the best feeling is knowing that it's actually deserved. This whole process, which began my senior year of high school is now just months within my reach. Massimo Zanesco, my amazing boyfriend who is also my best friend and my rock, will be mine for a whole year. After over two of distance. Life really does have a way of coming all together for the better in the end :)

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Finals are OVER.....Recap on the past few weeks!

The last few weeks have been incredibly hectic, but it's nice to finally be DONE with finals and knowing that I won't be back at Sac State for over a year makes me ecstatic! Here's a recap on my past couple weeks:

First of all, I had two orientations for Study Abroad on May 4th and 5th. The first one was held at Sac State, and I met a lot of was nice to hear all the different places where everyone will be studying abroad next year! I even made plans to meet up with some of the other ones that were going to Europe :) Then the next day we had our actual orientation at San Francisco State, where we were given basically most of the information that we need to know for our year abroad. Although we had to wake up far too early, it was so worth it. There were SO many people going to Italy! I can't believe the next time that we'll see them is when we will ACTUALLY be in Florence. All in all, the weekend was a great one, and it actually made this whole experience seem so much more real....and a lot closer at that! Now, we just have to figure out the whole stupid visa process as well as everything financially...those two things are the biggest BITCHES of the entire process. But in the end we know that it will all be worth it :)

The next weekend was my long anticipated going away party. I made these awesome shirts for Evalyn and I to rock at the party, and we looked pretty bad ass :) This was truly an amazing night. It started off with going out to dinner with my tight knit group of friends that I absolutely adore. We went out to Buca de Beppo, an amazing Italian place that I had never been to before. Needless to say it was like the real thing! My friends truly spoiled me that night; they surprised me with a giant Italian flag that they had all signed and paid for my entire dinner. I felt so loved and so lucky! I had also prepared a card for each of them with a picture that I wanted them to keep for the year that I'm that way they CAN'T forget me :) The dinner was full of laughs and tears, and without a doubt I could say that it was one of the most memorable nights of my college experience thus far. These guys have become more like family than friends to me, and this last night that we all got to spend together was so incredibly special! Then, we came back to my apartment to have the party. It was awesome literally getting to see every body that I have gotten the chance to know during my past two years at Sac State in my was one bad assss party that's for sure :) Although it ended up getting shut down prematurely due to random ass people that came, from what I DO remember of that night, it was so worth it. Great way to end up Sophomore at Sac State and bring in the joy of my upcoming year abroad! Thanks to everyone again for coming and partying with me before I left!

                                        Love them more than anything!

                                    Ciao America! Italia HERE WE COME :)

                          The wonderful flag that my friends surprised me with...
                      woke up to so many more interesting and drunken signatures
                   the next day. Guess that just gives it more character :) I felt so loved!